24 research outputs found

    PoN-S : a systematic approach for applying the Physics of Notation (PoN)

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    Visual Modeling Languages (VMLs) are important instruments of communication between modelers and stakeholders. Thus, it is important to provide guidelines for designing VMLs. The most widespread approach for analyzing and designing concrete syntaxes for VMLs is the so-called Physics of Notation (PoN). PoN has been successfully applied in the analysis of several VMLs. However, despite its popularity, the application of PoN principles for designing VMLs has been limited. This paper presents a systematic approach for applying PoN in the design of the concrete syntax of VMLs. We propose here a design process establishing activities to be performed, their connection to PoN principles, as well as criteria for grouping PoN principles that guide this process. Moreover, we present a case study in which a visual notation for representing Ontology Pattern Languages is designed

    Use of mechanical airway clearance devices in the home by people with neuromuscular disorders: effects on health service use and lifestyle benefits

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    Background; People with neuromuscular disorders (NMD) exhibit weak coughs and are susceptible to recurrent chest infections and acute respiratory complications, the most frequent reasons for their unplanned hospital admissions. Mechanical insufflation-exsufflation (MI-E) devices are a non-invasive method of increasing peak cough flow, improving cough efficacy, the clearance of secretion and overcoming atelectasis. There is limited published evidence on the impact of home use MI-E devices on health service utilisation. The aims of the study were: to assess the self-reported health and lifestyle benefits experienced as a result of home use of MI-E devices; and evaluate the effects of in-home use of MI-E devices on Emergency Department (ED) presentations, hospital admissions and inpatient length of stay (LOS). Methods: Individuals with NMD who were accessing a home MI-E device provided through Muscular Dystrophy Western Australia were invited to participate in a quantitative survey to obtain information on their experiences and self-assessed changes in respiratory health. An ad-hoc record linkage was performed to extract hospital, ED and mortality data from the Western Australian Department of Health (DOHWA). The main outcome measures were ED presentations, hospital separations and LOS, before and after commencement of home use of an MI-E device.Results: Thirty seven individuals with NMD using a MI-E device at home consented to participate in this study. The majority (73%) of participants reported using the MI-E device daily or weekly at home without medical assistance and 32% had used the machine to resolve a choking episode. The survey highlighted benefits to respiratory function maintenance and the ability to manage increased health care needs at home. Not using a home MI-E device was associated with an increased risk of ED presentations (RR = 1.76, 95% CI 1.1-2.84). The number of hospital separations and LOS reduced after the use of MI-E device, but not significantly. No deaths were observed in participants using the MI-E device at home. Conclusions: Home use of a MI-E device by people living with NMD may have a potential impact on reducing their health service utilisation and risk of death. Future research with greater subject numbers and longer follow-up periods is recommended to enhance this field of study

    IbM Pelatihan Pengoperasian Komputer dan Aplikasi Perkantoran di Desa Kalinda

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    Perkembangan teknologi dan komunikasi saat ini sangat terasa pengaruhnya dalam kehidupan masyarakat antara lain dalam hal kecepatan untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan pengguna teknologi ini. Komputer banyak digunakan sebagai alat bantu untuk memudahkan pekerjaan manusia. Fungsi komputer antara lain adalah digunakan untuk membantu menyelesaikan pekerjaan yang berhubungan dengan administrasi perkantoran atau organisasi lainnya, sehingga pekerjaan yang dilakukan menjadi lebih mudah dan waktu yang dibutuhkan menjadi lebih singkat dibanding mengerjakannya secara manual. Dalam dunia kerja, microsoft word dan microsoft excel sangat diperlukan. Adapun fungsi microsoft word adalah sebagai pengolah kata. Sehingga semua pekerjaan yang berhubungan dengan pengolahan kata dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan aplikasi ini. Sedangkan microsoft excel adalah sebagai pengolah angka. Kemampuan aplikasi ini antara lain adalah pembuatan tabel data, pengolahan data dengan menggunakan rumus, pembuatan grafik dan lain-lain. Adapun tujuan yang ingin dicapai pada pelaksanaan kegiatan IbM ini adalah untuk melatih seluruh perangkat desa menjadi terampil dalam menggunakan komputer dan aplikasi perkantoran dalam menunjang pekerjaan yang dilakukan, sehingga pelatihan tersebut diharapkan dapat membantu perangkat desa dalam mengolah administrasi dengan baik dan cepat, sehingga pelayanan di kantor desa menjadi lebih baik. Pada pelaksanaan kegiatan IbM ini, metode yang digunakan adalah penyampaian materi secara langsung dengan menggunakan peralatan pendukung, membantu peserta dalam memahami materi yang disampaikan serta membimbing peserta pada saat melakukan praktek